Our Shared History

A New Journey Lutheran Parish evolved from an earlier journey: one that began through the NWMN Synod’s Area Mission Strategy process that began March 2020 and continued on with an intensive on-the-ground discernment and discovery process led by Pastor Susan Tjornehoj for six weeks of the Easter season of 2021. In November 2021, a great leap of faith was taken by five congregations to join together as two joint parishes to call a staff to serve with and for them. Each of these five congregations has a long, rich history of faithful ministry:

Our Why

  • “A ‘why’ is a term meaning: your purpose by aiming your: 1) shared resources, 2) passions, and 3) what you are best at in order to meet the needs of your neighbors in your surrounding communities.
  • A New Journey’s ‘why’ is “sharing the hope that we find in Christ and the roadmap for a happy and healthy life.” We want to spread the love and promises of God to our neighbors, our communities, and our congregations.”

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